Our performing arts
institution is located in a rapidly urbanizing area, south east of
Bangalore. The area has transformed from
rural to semi-urban in less than ten years.
Semi-urban, because the civic infrastructure is poor and cultural and
community commons are virtually non-existent.
I moved into this neighborhood five years ago and Antara began in an effort to
bring artists to a community that had no access to any formal spaces for
artistic practices. For most urban middle-class children dance
and music learning is accessed through out-of-school learning. Majority of them do not pursue this learning
beyond school age and these classes are generally the only formal
arts-education they receive in their lifetime.
We began with a
commitment to traditional South Asian art practices (Odissi, Kathak,
Bharatanatyam, Hindustani and Karnatic Music).
What do these art
practices bring us that conventional learning does not?
We believe that
traditional artistic practices offer a range of benefits, helping one to form
connections between:
concept and movement (or sound)
the physical and the ideal
reality and imagination
action and thought
most importantly, body and mind.
Many young students
who come to learn from us experience for the first time the connection between
the living body and the lived body. That is, they experience that the BODY not
just the mind, is a SITE OF LEARNING.
Through their bodies they not only learn movement but also music,
rhythm, history and myth. Through
reflective exercises of writing and other forms of expression that the students
engage in as part of their dance training, we began to realize the depth of
student’s experiences.
Traditional art practices taught at Antara serve as tools for embodied learning which are not normally offered in conventional education systems:
methods approach learning as:
practice at Antara, approach learning as:
focused on external goals or student-centred and skill focused
progression that happens with the beginning of inner awareness and moving
towards an interaction with the outside world
focused and teach how to be outwardly organized
and teach how to be inwardly organized
An example of
embodied learning practice at Antara:
Poornima Dahale,
Odissi instructor at Antara is holding a 10-day intensive workshop for beginners. Her classes include reflective exercises of
the mind and deep relaxation practices.
In the open garden space at Antara, students are experiencing their
bodies in a wholly different way. The
pictures say more than words can.
Poornima says
“I believe letting go of all stress,
relaxing and enjoying works wonders vs. forcing, controlling and torturing your

My journey is to find ways to share
my love and passion for Odissi but with a more holistic and joyful approach. I
try to learn from various forms of bodily practices and bring the most suitable
lessons I learn into my own practice and sharing.”